The Practical Implications of Compassion in 150 Words

What is Compassion? 

If you are capable of relaxing into your body and touching your own humanity, then you're capable of identifying with the whole human racenot just your own petty concerns, ambitions, and fears, but the needs and the passion of all humanity.

When you breathe the whole human race breathes. When one person is suffocated you are suffocated. Injustice is no longer limited to your own personal sphere. When the rights, dignity, and freedom of another is suppressed or ignored, you can feel it being suppressed and ignored within you. It feels like a fire burning in your bones. 

Likewise, when you see someone celebrating the fullness and the glory of human life, you can feel that celebration erupting in your heart.There is a flame in your heart that is dancing you into being. This flame is compassion and compassion alone brings realization into fruition. Without compassion spirituality is merely idealism.