Finding God in the Body Release Date Announcement

*Updated* Finding God in the Body by Benjamin Riggs release date moved to Thursday January 5th, 2017.

My book, Finding God in the Body, is available!
Place your order on Amazon today and have it in a couple of days. Available in paperback and kindle.
*Please share this news with your friends* And thanks to everyone for their support! 

If you would like to share it on Facebook here is a message you can copy and paste. Or if you prefer to get creative, see option two. Thanks!

  1.  "Finding God in the Body: A Spiritual Path for the Modern West" by Benjamin Riggs is now available on Amazon. This book covers every step of the spiritual path from a modern point of view. It provides detailed instructions for the practice of meditation, prayer, and spiritual journaling. Check it out:
  2. Share short, personal posts on your Facebook page with your friends about the book. You can use memes, pictures, and quotes found on my facebook page and/or on the website (, including sample chapters:

Thanks so much in advance. I could not do it without you!