Lay thy hand upon him;"God says this in order to bring his power and omnipotence impressively before jobs eyes. God is like the behemoth in the Leviathan; the fruitful Nature giving forth abundance,-- untamable wildness and boundlessness of nature,-- and the overwhelming danger of the unchained power...The Book of Job shows us God at work both as creator and destroyer.
Remember the battle and do no more.
None is so fierce that dare stir him up:
Who then is he that can stand before me?
Who hath first given unto me, that I should repay him?
Whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine. ~ Job 41
Who is God?
Since, psychologically understood, the Divinity is nothing else than a projected complex of representation which is accentuated in feeling according to the degree of religiousness of the individual, so God is to be considered as the representative of a certain sum of energy (libido).
This energy, therefore, appears projected (metaphysical) because it works from the unconscious outwards, when it is dislodged from there, as psychoanalysis shows... As is easily understood, that which is valuable in the God-creating idea is not the form but the power, the libido."
~ Psychology of the Unconscious Carl Jung