Key To My Blog


So this post is not so much a key to meditation and spirituality, as it is a key to this blog, which is named "Meditation and Spirituality."

I cover a great many topics on this blog. These topics ultimately converge on one point- the discovery of creative intelligence. In order to make this convergence a bit more coherent, I have composed a compilation of some key posts from the past and arranged them in a more systematic order. Simply click the link to view the post.

1) The Human Condition:
*Being Perfection
*Freedom or Fear

2) Obstacles to creative expression:
*Right Side Up is Upside Down
*Awakening in the Garden

3) The development of dualistic thinking/ego:
*A conversation
*Our Impossible Predicament
*The Nature of Thought, a.k.a. the Ego

4) Intelligent Suffering:
*Suffering for Dummies

5) The Nature of the Path:
*The Path as a Hypothesis
* Entering the Stream of Curiosity
*For a more graduated explanation of the path please click the follow tab on the right hand side of this page (either Google or Facebook). You will receive a free e-book: Lam Rim Americano- An in-depth exploration of the entire Buddhist path from a user-friendly/ western point of view.

6) The Practice of Meditation:
*Human Dignity and Meditation Practice
*Remembering the Now
*Fearlessness, Courage, and the Path of Meditation
* For a far more in-depth explanation of meditation practice and detailed instruction in several practices please click the follow tab on the right hand side of this page (either Google or Facebook). You will receive a free e-book: Lam Rim Americano- An in-depth exploration of the entire Buddhist path from a user-friendly/ western point of view.

7) Human Potential:
*You Are God?
*An Amazing Story, with an Amazing Message, by an Amazing Woman.

8) The Nature of Discovery:
*You Are Your Own Creation.
*I and The Father are One!

This is a compilation of many of the more popular articles outlining the themes covered on this blog. I hope you can see how these themes converge on the experience of intelligence discovering itself, and how this discovery takes place in the present moment.
If you would like to see me cover a particular topic that I have not yet covered, or elaborate on an already existing article please click the comment button below, and submit your request.
Thanks ~Ben Riggs